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Jira Integration



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In this video, you will see how to: 

  • Leverage mabl’s Jira Cloud and Server integration options
  • Configure integrations in the mabl app

Review our documentation: Jira Cloud Integration

What is it used for?

  • Our integration with Jira provides a seamless and efficient workflow within your teams to capture and quickly create issues uncovered during testing. Below are some key benefits and highlights:
    • Capture issue details in Jira directly from mabl test results, including screenshot, DOM snapshot, network activity (HAR) file, and Chrome performance trace from the point of test failure
    • Quickly triage a reported issue in Jira thanks to mabl’s comprehensive diagnostics data, including speed index, gathered from every step of the test
    • Quickly trace Jira issues to mabl tests and vice versa in both systems
    • Attach tests and test results to existing Jira issues for traceability and test case management
    • Anyone in your workspace can easily create a Jira issue in no time!

How do I set it up?

Jira Cloud Integration Setup

Step 1: Create an Issue Tracker API Key.

  1. Under Settings → APIs, click Create API Key
  2. In the dropdown, select Issue Tracker and input a Name. Click Save.

Step 2: Install the mabl Jira app from the Atlassian marketplace.

*Note: A Jira admin needs to install the mabl plug-in.

Step 3: Configure the plug-in.

  1. Click on the Configure button from the listing or manage apps page.
  2. Input a name for the integration, the API key created from the mabl app, the workspace ID of your current workspace (found under the Settings → Workspace tab in the mabl app), and select the specific Jira project(s) you’d like to create issues under. Just click Add Integration to complete the setup!

Jira Server Integration Setup

Step 1: Set up the integration in the mabl app.

  1. Under Settings → Integrations, click Setup on the Jira Server card.
  2. You will be redirected to the screen with the plugin info you will need. Click Save.

Step 2: Install the mabl plugin in Jira.

Note: A Jira administrator needs to install the plug-in and create the mabl Jira user. The Jira user needs to have Create Permission privileges in the configured projects.

  • Log into your Jira instance as an admin.
  • Click the admin dropdown and choose Add-ons.
    The Manage add-ons screen loads.
  • Click Find new apps or Find new add-ons from the left-hand side of the page.
  • Locate mabl for Jira via search.
    Results include app versions compatible with your Jira instance.
  • Click Install to download and install your app.

Step 3: Configure the plug-in.

  1. Under Manage add-ons or Manage apps page in Jira, input the API key and Integration ID from the mabl app. Click Save.
  2. Navigate to the applicable Jira project settings and enable Use in mabl.


How do I use it?

Creating a new Jira issue

You can create a new Jira issue from several places in the mabl app, such as:

  • Test results → More Actions menu (or clicking Create Issue directly from a failed step)
  • Test details → Issues tab
  • Tests page → Issues tab
  1. After clicking the Create issue button, the New Issue form will appear. Select Create new, choose the Project and Issue Type. Click Next.
  2. Input the required fields to create your Jira issue (required fields will be denoted with a red asterisk and will match your Jira configuration). Click Submit.
  3. After a short delay, you will see a green success message at the bottom of your mabl app. You can click to navigate directly to the issue in Jira. The issue will also be visible in mabl on the respective test and the issues tab from the main tests page.
  4. Upon resolving or closing the issue in Jira, the issue status in mabl will update to Closed, automatically!


Viewing the issue in Jira

From the related test or main tests page, you can click to navigate directly to issues in Jira.

The Jira issue will automatically include the test artifacts from mabl (screenshot, network activity HAR file, DOM snapshot, and Chrome step trace if the test was run in Chrome). It will also include details around the associated test, plan, and run to quickly link you back to mabl as needed.


Linking tests or results to an existing Jira issue

Similar to creating a new issue, you can link to an existing issue. Upon clicking Create Issue in mabl, select Link existing. Choose the Project. Search for the issue to link (you can search by name or by issue ID) and click Submit. You can then navigate to view the issue in Jira.

Setting up the mabl integration with Jira will enable your teams to quickly capture and manage issues uncovered during testing. If your team has any questions or needs assistance with setting up your Jira integration, please reach out via In-App Chat!

Helpful Documentation Links: